Charts and Tables Explained

Student-School Suitability Sub-scales auto-generate instant free brief sample charts and detailed SAS, CPS, SCPS and SOS reports available to view. All of the reports published on our website are generated using our unique 20 step “Survey Builder” and report-writer tool. All our reports have a similar professional format. Each standard report produces two graphs and a table with supporting interpretive text. The PSM matching report has three large tables that provide multiple points of engagement on a pupil by school basis.

Graph One – Interpolation Line Graph

Student scores are averaged and expressed as a percentage of the total possible score displayed on a line graph. Individual student scores on nine (9) psychological attributes related to schooling suitability are charted with those of their peer student cohort to:

  1. identify differences between student and their same grade peers and
  2. compare student scores with those of different grades.
Interpolation Graph

Differences between individual student scores and peer cohort mean scores profiles student attribute strengths and limitations.

GraphTwo – Percentile Rank Chart

Student percentile rank scores are display on a bar graph. This graph shows in percentage points the relative strength of each attribute compared to their peer cohort. Both high and low rankings are of interest when discussing strategies for intervention.

Percentile Rank Chart

Table One – Significance Tables

This table shows standardised student attribute scores compared with peer cohort scores. Tests for significance are made at the .90 level (probability of error is 10%) and results are displayed as:

  • HiScore (significantly greater than the peer cohort) or
  • LoScore (significantly lower than the peer cohort).

Significance Tables

When the student score is significantly different from their peer cohort this is indicated by the word “TRUE” in the table, while the word “FALSE” indicates that the student is within normal range.